LD 69
pg. 1
LD 69 Title Page An Act To Reduce Costs to the Health Services System LD 69 Title Page
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LR 757
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §42, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

9.__Contract obligation.__The department shall adopt rules
regarding the continuation of contracts for health services with
hospitals and other providers of health care licensed by the
State.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-
A. The rules must include the following terms:

A.__The signing of a new contract before the end of the
existing contract period; and

B.__If a new contract is not signed in accordance with
paragraph A, continuation of services provided under the
terms of the existing contract and one of the following
settlements between the department and the hospital or
health care provider, at the option of the department:

(1)__Final payment for services in the continuation
period at the rate of the new contract.__If that
payment is made by the department, the payment must be
made in a lump sum; or

(2)__Payment from the department of the cost to the
hospital or health care provider of any interest and
costs incurred in borrowing funds that is necessitated
because of the failure to sign the new contract.


This bill provides a mechanism for reimbursing hospitals and
health care providers that contract with the Department of Health
and Human Services for services. The bill requires new contracts
to be signed prior to the end of the old contracts and provides
for payment if this is not done.

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