LD 65
pg. 1
LD 65 Title Page An Act To Protect Consumers from Unfair Cancellation of Property Insurance Cove... LD 65 Title Page
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LR 172
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §3048, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1973, c. 239, is
amended to read:

1. Loss of or damage to real property which that is used
solely for residential purposes and which that consists of not
more than 4 apartments and which is owner-occupied;


This bill removes the restriction in the so-called Maine
Property Insurance Cancellation Control Act that insured property
must be owner-occupied for the Act to apply to policies insuring
against loss or damage to that property. The bill does not change
the Act's requirements that the insured property be used solely
for residential purposes and consist of not more than 4
apartments. The bill gives the protections of the Act to owners
of rental residential property, including the right to request a
hearing before the Superintendent of Insurance when the insurer
has notified the insured that the policy will not be renewed.
Under current law, owners of rental property are entitled to
request a hearing only if the policy is being cancelled before
its term has been completed.

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