LD 64
pg. 1
LD 64 Title Page An Act To Ensure the Maintenance of Veterans' Cemeteries LD 64 Title Page
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LR 210
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 37-B MRSA §504, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Budgets.__The director shall develop a separate,
nonlapsing account for each of the veterans' cemeteries.__These
accounts must be separately identifiable in the biennial budgets
approved by the Legislature.__The budget for each veterans'
cemetery must include all state and federal funds that are
associated with that particular cemetery.

Sec. 2. Development of separate proposed budgets. By January 15, 2006, the
Director of the Bureau of Maine Veterans' Services within the
Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management shall
submit separate proposed budgets for fiscal year 2006-07 for each
state-operated veterans' cemetery to the Joint Standing Committee
on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Joint Standing
Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs. For fiscal year 2006-
07, these budgets must be based on, and limited to, the total
amounts previously appropriated to the Veterans Services program
for the purpose of maintenance of these cemeteries.


This bill requires the Director of the Bureau of Maine
Veterans' Services within the Department of Defense, Veterans and
Emergency Management to develop and submit separate proposed
budgets for each of the state-operated veterans' cemeteries.

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