LD 53
pg. 1
LD 53 Title Page An Act To Criminalize Harming a Dog Used for Law Enforcement Purposes LD 53 Title Page
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LR 478
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §752-B, as amended by PL 2001, c. 383, §§82 and
83 and affected by §156, is further amended to read:

§752-B. Unlawful interference with law enforcement


1. A person is guilty of unlawful interference with a law
enforcement dog if the person intentionally or knowingly:

A. Kills, mutilates or permanently disables any dog that
the person knows or reasonably should have known is
certified used for law enforcement use purposes. Violation
of this paragraph is a Class C crime; or

B. Torments, beats, strikes, injures, temporarily disables
or otherwise mistreats any dog that the person knows or
reasonably should have known is certified used for law
enforcement use purposes. Violation of this paragraph is a
Class D crime.

2. For the purposes of this section, a dog is certified for
law enforcement use if the State has certified that the dog has
satisfactorily completed requisite training for one or more law
enforcement purposes.


This bill amends the law regarding interference with law
enforcement dogs by applying the crime to any person who harms a
dog that the person knows or reasonably should have known is used
for law enforcement purposes. Currently, the prohibition applies
only to a person who harms a dog that the person knows or
reasonably should have known is certified by the State for law
enforcement use.

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