LD 34
pg. 1
LD 34 Title Page An Act To Institute Loser-pay Litigation in the State of Maine Page 2 of 2
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LR 439
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §1502-B, sub-§§4 and 5, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 384,
§4, are amended to read:

4. Travel expenses. Reasonable expenses of travel within the
State to the place of trial for the prevailing party or his the
prevailing party's attorney of record, as provided by rule of the
Supreme Judicial Court, or as directed by court, in the absence
of that rule; and

5. Other costs. Such other costs as the Supreme Judicial
Court may direct by rule.; and

Sec. 2. 14 MRSA §1502-B, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Attorney's fees.__The reasonable attorney's fees incurred
by the prevailing party in prosecuting or defending the action.

A.__Attorney's fees under this subsection must be paid by
the nonprevailing party but may not exceed the amount of the
attorney's fees of the nonprevailing party with regard to
that position or claim.

B.__If the nonprevailing party receives services under a
contingent fee agreement, the amount of attorney's fees
under this paragraph may not exceed the reasonable value of
those services.

C.__In order to receive attorney's fees under this
subsection, the attorney of record for the prevailing party
must maintain accurate, complete records of hours worked on
the matter regardless of the fee arrangement with the
prevailing party.

D.__As used in this subsection, the term "prevailing party"
means a party to an action who obtains a favorable final
judgment, other than by settlement and exclusive of
interest, on all or a portion of the claims asserted in the

E.__The court may, in its discretion, limit the fees
recovered under this subsection to the extent that the court
finds special circumstances that make payment of those fees

F.__This subsection does not apply to any action in which
the State or any of its officers or agencies are parties.

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