LD 30
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LD 30 Title Page An Act To Apply a System of Spending Limitations to State, County and Municipal... Page 2 of 13
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LR 891
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:


Sec. A-1. 5 MRSA §1664, last ¶, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. X,
§8, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

The total General Fund appropriation for each fiscal year of
the biennium, other than transfers of unallocated surplus or
expenditures constituting direct payments to taxpayers to reduce
their tax liability, may not exceed the General Fund
appropriation of the previous fiscal year multiplied by a growth
factor.__For purposes of this paragraph, the growth factor
applicable to fiscal years following the effective date of this
paragraph is the base growth factor, defined as the following
sum: one plus the average real personal income growth rate, as
defined in section 1665, subsection 1, which rate may not exceed
2.75%.__For fiscal years commencing after such time as the state
tax burden ranks in the middle 1/3 of all states, the growth
factor must become the personal income growth factor.__The
personal income growth factor is one plus the average percent
change in personal income in this State for the prior 10 calendar
years, ending with the most recent calendar year for which data
are available, as estimated by the United States Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.__For purposes of this
section, "state tax burden" means the total amount of state and
local taxes collected during the calendar year concluding on the
preceding December 31st, as calculated by the State Tax Assessor,
divided by the total personal income of all residents of the
State during that same calendar year as calculated by the Bureau
of Economic Analysis.__The State Tax Assessor shall undertake
this calculation no less often than once per year.__For any
fiscal year thereafter, if the State Tax Assessor determines that
the state tax burden has increased to the highest 1/3 of all
states, the growth factor for the following fiscal year must be
the base growth factor.__In all other fiscal years when the state
tax burden ranks in the middle 1/3 of all states, the growth
factor must be the personal income growth factor.__The
appropriation limitation set forth in this paragraph may be
exceeded only in an amount necessary to comply with a court order
or decree or to pay costs associated with extraordinary events
outside the control of the Governor or Legislature, such as
natural disasters, severe weather events, acts of God, acts of
terrorism, fire, war and riots, but in no event may such events
include changes in economic conditions, revenue shortfalls or
increases in salaries or benefits; however, for purposes of
calculating total General Fund appropriations for any future
fiscal year, any appropriations made pursuant to this sentence

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