121st Maine Legislature
Office of Fiscal and Program Review
LD 216
An Act to Provide an Income Tax Deduction for a Qualified State-sponsored 529 Plan for Higher Education Expenses     
LR 0433(01)
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Clough
Committee: Taxation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Net Cost (Savings):
General Fund $490,912 $1,247,604 $1,266,459 $1,291,811
General Fund $10,505 $4,618 $4,733
General Fund ($490,912) ($1,237,099) ($1,261,841) ($1,287,078)
Other Special Revenue Funds ($26,928) ($67,858) ($69,215) ($70,599)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Providing an income tax deduction for certain tuition contributions will decrease income tax collections by an estimated $517,840 in fiscal year 2003-04 and $1,304,957 in fiscal year 2004-05.  The decrease in these tax collections will decrease the amounts transferred to the Local Government Fund for state-municipal revenue sharing by $26,928 in fiscal year 2003-04 and $67,858 in fiscal year 2004-05.  The resulting net decrease in General Fund revenue is estimated to be $490,912 and $1,237,099.