LD 1626
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LR 2164
Item 1

Environmental Protection, Board of Environmental Protection. The
municipal officers of the City of Old Town and the Town of Alton
shall establish a joint citizen advisory committee consisting of 7
members, of which 5 must be from the City of Old Town and 2 from
the Town of Alton. In appointing members to the committee, the
municipal officers shall use Title 38, section 2171, subsection 1
as guidance. The committee shall meet as soon as practical
following appointment of its members and shall select a chair from
among its members. The committee shall establish procedures for
the conduct of meetings. The committee may:

A. Review proposed contracts, site analyses, applications
and other documents relating to the construction, permitting
and operation of the disposal facility;

B. Hold periodic public meetings to solicit the opinions of
residents concerning the disposal facility and any permit
applications, contracts or other provisions relating to the
disposal facility;

C. Provide the disposal facility operator and office with
any alternative contract provisions, permit conditions,
plans or procedures the committee considers appropriate; and

D. Serve as a liaison between the communities and the
disposal facility operator or the office to facilitate
communications during the development and operation of the
disposal facility and provide residents with updated
information about the project, including providing
explanations of any technical terms; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That, by February 15, 2004, the Executive
Department, State Planning Office shall submit a report to the Joint
Standing Committee on Natural Resources on the acquisition of the
disposal facility authorized under section 1 and a review of the
operations related to that disposal facility.

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