LD 472
pg. 2
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LR 125
Item 1

3. Laws pertaining to municipal impact fees, as allowed under
Title 30-A, section 4354, to the extent those laws create
barriers to the creation of affordable housing. In reviewing
this issue, the committee shall consider and make recommendations
on exempting affordable housing units from such impact fees and
applying that exemption only to affordable housing located within
a locally designated growth area identified in the municipality's
comprehensive land use plan. If the committee recommends such an
exemption, its recommendations must include specific
recommendations on how an exemption would be calculated and
applied and what impact that exemption would have on the ability
of a municipality to adequately fund infrastructure improvements
necessitated by the construction of those units;

4. Laws pertaining to municipal moratoria on development
permits, as allowed under Title 30-A, section 4356, to the extent
those laws create barriers to the creation of affordable housing.
In reviewing this issue, the committee shall consider and make
recommendations on exempting affordable housing units from such
moratoria and applying that exemption only to affordable housing
located within a locally designated growth area identified in the
municipality's comprehensive land use plan;

5. Laws pertaining to municipal rate of growth ordinances, as
allowed under Title 30-A, section 4314, to the extent those laws
create barriers to the creation of affordable housing units. In
reviewing this issue, the committee shall consider and make
recommendations on exempting affordable housing units from such
laws pertaining to municipal rate of growth ordinances;

6. Barriers to the creation of affordable rental housing,
including the unavailability of deposit assistance, in areas of
the State where rental housing is unaffordable;

7. Barriers to the construction or availability of affordable
housing for veterans, seniors, retirees, persons with
disabilities and homeless persons; and

8. Other barriers to the construction or availability of
affordable housing identified by the committee or by
stakeholders; and be it further

Sec. 2. Consultation with stakeholders. Resolved: That the committee shall
consult with stakeholders during this study and in the
development of its recommendations. Those stakeholders include,
but are not limited to, the following:

1. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development;

2. The Director of the Maine State Housing Authority;

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