LD 1519
pg. 3
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LR 2049
Item 1

3. An assessment of the impacts aquaculture has on tourism,
recreation, conserved lands and surrounding fisheries and the
ecological health of any bay where aquaculture is located;

4. An assessment of how the external impact of aquaculture
farms can best be mitigated in an equitable and effective

5. An assessment of present decision-making criteria for
granting leases;

6. An assessment of the role of municipal government in the
leasing application and approval process;

7. An assessment of the economic impacts aquaculture has on
the State; and

8. A review and assessment of all state and federal law
relating to submerged property and riparian rights and whether
such law is adequate to address current issues relating to the
use of Maine's coastal waters; and be it further

Sec. 7. Public meetings. Resolved: That, in examining these issues, the
task force shall meet to the extent necessary to fulfill its
duties, as well as hold at least 4 public meetings held in
different regions of the coast expressly for the purpose of
receiving public comment and testimony on its work; and be it

Sec. 8. Stakeholder Advisory Panel established. Resolved: That the
Stakeholder Advisory Panel, referred to in this resolve as "the
advisory panel," is established to provide information to the
task force at the solicitation of the task force and to review
and comment upon the draft report of the task force as provided
in this resolve. The task force shall periodically consult with
the advisory panel regarding issues identified in this resolve.
The advisory panel consists of 11 members, appointed within 30
days following the effective date of this resolve, as follows:

1. Two members of the finfish aquaculture industry, with one
member representing a large finfish company and one member
representing a small finfish company, appointed by the Speaker of
the House of Representatives;

2. Two members of the shellfish aquaculture industry, with
one member representing a small shellfish company and one member
representing a large shellfish company, appointed by the
President of the Senate;

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