LD 1066
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LR 1124
Item 1

market rents are not representative of actual rental values, the
committee shall make recommendations to address the issue. The
committee shall also examine the housing data that is collected in
the State and make recommendations for additional data collection
to improve the State's ability to maximize federal housing
assistance; and

4. How to improve the State's collection of data regarding
general assistance in order to better understand how municipal
programs are functioning. The committee shall make
recommendations to ensure adequate data collection, including,
but not limited to, data concerning the number of applications
and the number of people granted and denied assistance; and be it

Sec. 3. Reports. Resolved: That the committee shall submit a progress
report no later than January 15, 2005 and a final report,
including suggested legislation, no later than January 15, 2006
to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over human services matters. Following receipt and
review of the final report, the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over human services matters may
report out legislation based on the report to the Second Regular
Session of the 122nd Legislature.

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