LD 1892
pg. 5
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LR 2752
Item 1

receive video programming via broadcast, cable or satellite
transmission or video from surveillance or other similar

3.__Sales prohibition.__Beginning January 1, 2006 the
following sales prohibitions apply to manufacturers and

A.__A manufacturer not in compliance with this section is
prohibited from offering a covered electronic device for
sale in this State.__A manufacturer not in compliance with
this section shall provide the necessary support to
retailers to ensure the manufacturer's covered electronic
devices are not offered for sale in this State.

B. A retailer may not offer for sale in this State a covered
electronic device of a manufacturer that is not in
compliance with this section.

4.__Manufacturer label required.__Beginning January 1, 2005, a
manufacturer may not offer for sale in this State a covered
electronic device unless a visible, permanent label clearly
identifying the manufacturer of that device is affixed to it.

5.__Responsibility for recycling.__Municipalities,
consolidation facilities, manufacturers and the State share
responsibility for the disposal of covered electronic devices as
provided in this subsection.

A.__Each municipality that chooses to participate in the
state collection and recycling system shall ensure that
computer monitors and televisions generated as waste from
households within that municipality's jurisdiction are
delivered to a consolidation facility in this State.__A
municipality may meet this requirement through collection at
and transportation from a local or regional solid waste
transfer station or recycling facility, by contracting with
a disposal facility to accept waste directly from the
municipality's residents or through curbside pickup or other
convenient collection and transportation system.

B.__A consolidation facility is subject to the requirements
of this paragraph.

(1)__Beginning January 1, 2006, a consolidation facility shall
identify the manufacturer of each waste computer monitor and
waste television delivered to the facility and identified as
generated by a household in this State and shall maintain an
accounting of the number of waste household computer monitors and
waste household televisions by manufacturer. By March 1st

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