LD 1857
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LR 2749
Item 1

criteria in subsection 2-A must be in writing and made available to
the public.

Sec. A-22. 12 MRSA §6674, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 661, §5, is
amended to read:

§6674. Interference with municipal shellfish aquaculture permit

It shall be unlawful to interfere with the rights provided in
a municipal lease or to A person may not knowingly interfere with
the ability of a person who holds a municipal shellfish
aquaculture permit from carrying out the privileges granted to
the permittee under that permit.__Except for the permittee, a
person may not take shellfish by any means or disturb or molest
any shellfish or area in the intertidal zone in an area that is
included in a municipal lease shellfish aquaculture permit. A
person who violates this section commits a civil violation for
which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be

Sec. A-23. 38 MRSA §3, as amended by PL 1991, c. 685, §1 and c.
838, §16, is further amended to read:

§3. Mooring sites

In all harbors wherein channel lines have been established by
the municipal officers, as provided in section 2, and in all
other coastal and tidal waters, harbors and great ponds where
mooring rights of individuals are claimed to be invaded and
protection is sought of the harbor master, the harbor master
shall assign and indicate only to the masters or owners of boats
and vessels the location that they may occupy for mooring
purposes and shall change the location of those moorings from
time to time when the crowded condition of that harbor or great
pond, the need to conform to section 7-A or other conditions
render the change desirable.

Unless permitted by an ordinance adopted under section 3-A,
mooring assignments may not be transferred. Assignments may not
be rented unless the provision for rental was part of the
agreement when the mooring was assigned.

Assignment of these mooring privileges does not confer any
right, title or interest in submerged or intertidal lands owned
by the State. To the extent that there is any inconsistency
between this subchapter and any law which that establishes or
otherwise provides for a port authority, board of harbor
commissioners or similar authority for any coastal waters of the
State, that inconsistency shall must be resolved in favor of this

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