LD 1767
pg. 55
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LR 2593
Item 1

subsection (1). A copy of the notice of lien must be given by
certified mail, return receipt requested, at the last known
address, to the taxpayer, to the owner, if the owner is not the
taxpayer, and to any party who has asserted that it holds an
interest in any of the property that is subject to the lien in an
authenticated notification received by the municipality within 5
years prior to the date on which the municipality sends the
notice of lien for filing, or who has filed a financing statement
with the office identified in Title 11, section 9-1501,
subsection (1), paragraph (b) that remains effective as of the
date on which the municipality sends the notice of lien for
filing. Failure to give notice to any secured party who has a
perfected security interest prevents the lien from taking
priority over that security interest, but does not otherwise
affect the validity of the lien.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect July 1, 2004.

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