LD 1082
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LR 1152
Item 1

who is habitually truant and that parent is primarily responsible
for that truancy, that parent commits a civil violation for which a
fine of not less than $25 may be adjudged.

2.__Dispositions.__The court may also order a parent
adjudicated as violating subsection 1 to take specific action to
ensure the child's attendance at school; comply with the plan
developed in accordance with section 5051-A, subsection 2,
paragraph A; participate in a parent-training class; attend
school with the child; perform community service hours at the
school; or participate in counseling or other services as

3.__Notice required.__Notice must be provided to the parent
pursuant to section 5051-A, subsection 2, paragraph C before a
prosecution for violating subsection 1 may be brought against the

4.__Prima facie proof.__Evidence that shows that the parent
received the notice under section 5051-A, subsection 2 and that
the child has accumulated 10 absences that are not justified
under the established attendance policies of the school
administrative unit is prima facie proof that the child's parent
failed to enroll the child in school, failed to send the child to
school or failed to require the child to regularly attend school.

5.__Defense.__It is a defense to a prosecution under
subsection 1 that the parent has exercised reasonable diligence
in attempting to cause a child in the parent's custody to attend
school or that the administrators of the child's school did not
perform their duties as required by law.

6.__Process.__Service of a summons on the parent pursuant to
subsection 1 must be in accordance with the Maine Rules of Civil

7.__Jurisdiction.__The District Court has jurisdiction over
violations under subsection 1.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §6810, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 693, §§5 and 8,
is amended to read:

§6810. Truancy

The penalty for truancy is outlined in section 5053 5053-A.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §7405, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 775, §6, is
further amended to read:

1. Enrollment. The superintendent of the school

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