LD 858
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LR 787
Item 1

(2)__Costs of public safety improvements made necessary
by the establishment of the district;

(3)__Costs of funding to mitigate any adverse impact of
the district upon the municipality and its
constituents. This funding may be used for funding
public kindergarten to grade 12 costs and public
facilities and improvements; and

(4)__Costs to establish permanent housing development
revolving loan funds or investment funds.

2.__Limitation.__Tax increments received from any affordable
housing development program may not be used to circumvent other
tax laws.

§5250. Procedure

1.__Notice and hearing.__Before designating an affordable
housing development district or adopting an affordable housing
development program, the municipal legislative body or the
municipal legislative body's designee must hold at least one
public hearing on the proposed district. Notice of the hearing
must be published at least 10 days before the hearing in a
newspaper of general circulation within the municipality.

2.__Review by director.__Before final designation of an
affordable housing development district, the director shall
review the proposal for the district to ensure that the proposal
complies with statutory requirements.

3.__Effective date.__A designation of an affordable housing
development district is effective upon approval by the director.

4.__Administration of district.__The legislative body of a
municipality may create a department, designate an existing
department, office, agency, municipal housing or redevelopment
authority or enter into a contractual arrangement with a private
entity to administer activities authorized under this subchapter.

5.__Amendments.__A municipality may amend a designated
affordable housing development district or an adopted affordable
housing development program only after meeting the requirements
of this section for designation of an affordable housing
development district or adoption of an affordable housing
development program. A municipality may not amend the designation
of an affordable housing development district if the amendment
would result in the district's being out of compliance with any
of the conditions in section 5247, subsection 3.

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