LD 1099
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LR 864
Item 1

(2)__For purposes of the Maine Tort Claims Act, the
council is deemed a governmental entity and its
employees and members are deemed employees as those
terms are defined in Title 14, section 8102; and

D.__An employee of the council may return to state
employment at any time up to 2 years from the effective date
of this section.__Employees expressing such a preference
must be placed on the appropriate registers maintained by
the Department of Administrative and Financial Services,
Bureau of Human Resources and must be treated as though on
recall in accordance with current collective bargaining

Sec. 4. Effective date. This Act takes effect September 30, 2003.

Sec. 5. Transfer of funds. The State Budget Officer is authorized to
eliminate headcount and transfer funds by financial order in
fiscal year 2003-04 from the Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services' Personal Services Federal Expenditures
Fund allocations to the All Other line category of the Maine
Developmental Disabilities Council to reflect the council as a
public instrumentality of the State. The State Budget Officer
shall consult with the Commissioner of Behavioral and
Developmental Services on the amount to be transferred and may
not transfer funds required to support the costs associated with
the elimination of state employees and the establishment of the
council as an independent advisory agency. Transfers made
pursuant to this section are considered adjustments to
allocations in fiscal year 2003-04.

Sec. 6. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and
allocations are made.


Maine Developmental Disabilities Council 0977

Initiative: Eliminates position count and provides for a line
category transfer from Personal Services to All Other to reflect
the Maine Developmental Disabilities Council as an independent
advisory agency.

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

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