LD 1593
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LR 1972
Item 1

2. Payment for service. The department shall establish a
voucher system to allow the interdisciplinary planning team to
incorporate only those services determined critical and otherwise
unavailable into a program, including work, habilitation and
other services designated in subsection l, when appropriate. The
department shall establish a limit on the amount of transitional
services available to persons receiving services eligible for
services under this section.

Sec. 25. 34-B MRSA §6252, sub-§4, ķA, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 503,
§12, is amended to read:

A. When considered necessary by an interdisciplinary a
planning team and with the consent of the director, persons
may be admitted to the Elizabeth Levinson Center short-term
evaluation program for a period of 40 program days,
excluding weekends, without certification.

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