LD 1228
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LR 1080
Item 1

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA §3933, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Records.__A person maintaining a pet shop, as defined in
section 3907, shall keep a record of each animal received by the
pet shop, except for mice and fish. The record must include the
name and address of the person or company from whom the animal
was received and the name and address of the person buying or
otherwise acquiring the animal from the pet shop.__The record
must be kept on file for a period of 2 years following the sale
or other disposition of the animal by the pet shop.

Sec. 2. Report on and recommendations for regulation of breeders and sellers of small
mammals. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry no later than December 31,
2003 on the need for additional regulation of breeders and
sellers of small mammals commonly kept as pets. The commissioner
or the commissioner's designee shall include in the report a
summary of state and federal statutes and regulations that
currently apply to breeders and sellers of small mammals commonly
kept as pets, including gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets,
rats and mice. The commissioner shall make recommendations
regarding the need for additional authority to regulate the
breeding and sale of small mammals to address public health and
consumer protection concerns as well as animal welfare issues.
The Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and
Forestry may report out a bill during the Second Regular Session
of the 121st Legislature to implement recommendations regarding
the regulation of breeders and sellers of small mammals.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.

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