LD 1539
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LR 1942
Item 1

complying with the requirements of this section, the continued use
of the assumed or fictitious name may be enjoined upon suit by the
Attorney General or by any person adversely affected by the use of
the assumed or fictitious name.

7.__Enjoin use despite compliance.__Notwithstanding its
compliance with the requirements of this section, the use of an
assumed or fictitious name may be enjoined upon suit by the
Attorney General or by any person adversely affected by such use

A.__The assumed or fictitious name did not, at the time the
statement required by subsection 4 was filed, comply with
the requirements of section 603-A; or

B.__The assumed or fictitious name is not distinguishable on
the records of the Secretary of State from a name in which
the plaintiff has prior rights by virtue of the common law
or statutory law of unfair competition, unfair trade
practices, common law copyright or similar law.

The mere filing of a statement pursuant to subsection 4 does not
constitute actual use of the assumed or fictitious name set out
in that statement for the purpose of determining priority of

8.__Terminate use of assumed or fictitious name.__A limited
liability company may terminate an assumed or fictitious name by
executing and delivering to the Secretary of State a statement
setting forth:

A.__The name of the limited liability company;

B.__That the limited liability company no longer intends to
transact business under the assumed or fictitious name; and

C.__The assumed or fictitious name the limited liability
company intends to terminate.

Sec. C-25. 31 MRSA §606, as amended by PL 1995, c. 514, §§4 and 5,
is repealed.

Sec. C-26. 31 MRSA §606-A is enacted to read:

§606-A.__Registered name of foreign limited liability company

1.__Register limited liability company name.__A foreign
limited liability company may register its limited liability
company name if the name is distinguishable on the records of the
Secretary of State pursuant to section 603-A.

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