LD 1539
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LR 1942
Item 1

effective date of the application under subsection 2 until the end
of the calendar year in which the application was filed.

4.__Renewal of registered name.__A foreign corporation whose
registration is effective may renew the registration for a
successive year by delivering for filing to the Secretary of
State a renewal application that complies with the requirements
of subsection 2 between October 1st and December 31st.__The
renewal application, when filed, renews the registration for the
following calendar year.

5.__Qualify as foreign corporation.__A foreign corporation
whose registration is effective may, after the registration is
effective, qualify as a foreign corporation under the registered
name or may consent in writing to the use of that name by a
corporation incorporated under this Title or by another foreign
corporation authorized to transact business in this State.__The
registration terminates when the domestic corporation is
incorporated or the foreign corporation qualifies or consents to
the qualification of another foreign corporation under the
registered name.

Sec. B-14. 13-B MRSA §308, as amended by PL 1995, c. 458, §7, is

Sec. B-15. 13-B MRSA §308-A is enacted to read:

§308-A.__Assumed or fictitious name of corporation

1.__Assumed name defined.__As used in this section, "assumed
name" means a trade name, the name of a division not separately
incorporated and not used in conjunction with the real corporate
name or any name other than the real name of a corporation except
a fictitious name.

2.__Fictitious name defined.__As used in this section,
"fictitious name" means a name adopted by a foreign corporation
authorized to carry on activities in this State because its real
name is unavailable pursuant to section 301-A.

3.__Authorized to transact business.__Upon complying with this
section, a domestic or foreign corporation authorized to carry on
activities in this State may carry on its activities in this
State under one or more assumed or fictitious names.

4.__File statement indicating use of assumed or fictitious
name.__Prior to carrying on any activities in this State under an
assumed or fictitious name, a corporation shall execute and
deliver for filing, in accordance with sections 104 and 106, a
statement setting forth:

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