LD 1539
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Item 1

shareholders in the manner required by this Act and by the
articles of incorporation or, if an amendment is being filed
pursuant to section 121, subsection 10, a statement to that

Sec. B-96. 13-C MRSA §1007, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

1. Consolidation into single document. A corporation's board
of directors may restate its articles of incorporation at any
time, with or without shareholder approval, to consolidate all
amendments into a single document. The restatement may omit
statements as to the incorporator or incorporators and the
initial directors.

Sec. B-97. 13-C MRSA §§1102 and 1103, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640,
Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, are amended to read:

§1102. Merger

1. General authority of domestic corporations. One or more
domestic business corporations may merge with one or more
domestic or foreign business or nonprofit corporations or
unincorporated eligible entities pursuant to a plan of merger
under this section.

2. Merger with foreign entities. A foreign business or
nonprofit corporation or a foreign unincorporated eligible entity
may be a party to a merger with a domestic business corporation
or may be created by the terms of a plan of merger under this
section only if the merger is permitted by the laws under which
the foreign business or nonprofit corporation or unincorporated
eligible entity is organized or by which it is governed; and

3. Merger not contemplated in organic law. If the organic
law of a domestic unincorporated eligible entity does not provide
procedures for the approval of a merger, a plan of merger may be
adopted and approved, the merger effectuated, and appraisal
rights exercised in accordance with the procedures in this
chapter and chapter 13. For the purposes of applying this
chapter and chapter 13:

A. The unincorporated eligible entity, its members or
interest holders, eligible interests and organic documents
taken together are deemed to be a domestic business
corporation, shareholders, shares and articles of
incorporation, respectively and vice versa as the context
may require; and

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