LD 1539
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LR 1942
Item 1

E.__Any other person or entity, including employee stock
ownership plans or programs and other employee ownership
programs, that the licensing authority with jurisdiction
over the professional corporation determines is qualified to
hold shares of such a professional corporation.

Sec. B-6. 13-B MRSA §101, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13, is
amended to read:

§101. Short title

This Act shall Title may be known and may be cited as the
"Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act."

Sec. B-7. 13-B MRSA §102, sub-§§5-B, 6-A and 9-A are enacted to read:

5-B.__Entity.__"Entity" has the same meaning as set out in
Title 13-C, section 102, subsection 11.

6-A.__Individual. "Individual" means a natural person.

9-A. Person. "Person" includes an individual and an entity.

Sec. B-8. 13-B MRSA §301, as amended by PL 1997, c. 633, §4, is

Sec. B-9. 13-B MRSA §301-A is enacted to read:

§301-A.__Corporate name

1.__Prohibition. A corporate name may not contain language
stating or implying that the corporation is organized for a
purpose other than that permitted by section 201 and the
corporation's articles of incorporation.

2.__Distinguishable name. Except as authorized by subsections
3 and 4, a corporate name must be distinguishable on the records
of the Secretary of State from:

A.__The name of a corporation, limited liability company,
limited liability partnership or limited partnership that is
incorporated, organized or authorized to transact business
or carry on activities in this State;

B.__Assumed, fictitious, reserved and registered name
filings for all entities; and

C.__Marks registered under Title 10, chapter 301-A unless the
registered owner or holder of the mark is the same

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