LD 1539
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LR 1942
Item 1

6.__Extrinsic facts.__Terms of a plan of domestication may be
made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the
plan in accordance with section 121, subsection 10.

Sec. B-76. 13-C MRSA §922, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

7. Transitional rule. If any provision of the corporation's
articles of incorporation or bylaws or of an agreement to which
any of the directors or shareholders are parties, adopted or
entered into before July 1, 2003, applies to a merger of the
corporation and that document does not refer to a domestication
of the corporation, the provision is deemed to apply to a
domestication of the corporation until such time after that date
as the provision is amended.

Sec. B-77. 13-C MRSA §922, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Consent of shareholders.__A plan of domestication may be
approved for a participating corporation by written consent of
shareholders entitled to vote, as provided in section 704.__If
the plan of domestication is approved by written consent of all
shareholders, whether or not entitled to vote, a resolution of
the board of directors of the participating corporation
approving, proposing, submitting, recommending or otherwise
respecting the plan of domestication is not necessary and
shareholders of the participating corporation are not entitled to
receive notice of or to dissent from the plan of domestication.

Sec. B-78. 13-C MRSA §926, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

1. Abandonment of domestication by domestic business
corporation. Unless otherwise provided in a plan of
domestication of a domestic business corporation, after the plan
has been adopted and approved as required by this subchapter and
at any time before the domestication has become effective, it may
be abandoned by the corporation's board of directors without
action by the shareholders.

If a domestication is abandoned under this subsection after
articles of charter surrender have been filed with the Secretary
of State but before the domestication has become effective, a
statement that the domestication has been abandoned in accordance
with this section, executed by an officer or other duly
authorized representative or of the corporation, must be
delivered to the Secretary of State for filing prior to the
effective date of the domestication. The statement takes effect
upon filing, and the domestication is considered abandoned and
does not become

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