LD 1539
pg. 15
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LR 1942
Item 1

10. Extrinsic facts.__This subsection applies whenever a
provision of this Title permits any of the terms of a plan or a
filed document to be dependent on facts objectively ascertainable
outside the plan or filed document.

A.__The manner in which the facts will operate upon the
terms of the plan or filed document must be set forth in the
plan or filed document.

B.__The facts upon which the terms of a plan or filed
document depend may include, but are not limited to:

(1)__Any of the following that is available in a
nationally recognized news or information medium either
in print or electronically:

(a)__Statistical or market indices;

(b)__Market prices of any security or group of

(c)__Interest rates;

(d)__Currency exchange rates; or

(e)__Similar economic or financial data;

(2)__A determination or action by any person or body,
including the corporation or any other party to a plan
or filed document; or

(3)__The terms of, or actions taken under, an agreement
to which the corporation is a party or any other
agreement or document.

C.__As used in this subsection:

(1)__"Filed document" means a document filed with the
Secretary of State under any provision of this Title
except chapter 15 or section 1621; and

(2)__"Plan" means a plan of domestication, nonprofit
conversion, entity conversion, merger or share

D. The following provisions of a plan or filed document may
not be made dependent on facts outside the plan or filed

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