LD 1539
pg. 13
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LR 1942
Item 1

18. Individual. "Individual" means a natural person.
"Individual" includes the estate of an incompetent or deceased

19. Interest. "Interests in an unincorporated entity
Interest" means either or both of the following rights under the
organic law of an unincorporated entity:

A. A right to receive distributions from an unincorporated
the entity either in the ordinary course or upon
liquidation, including as an assignee; or and

B. A right to receive notice or vote on issues involving
the internal affairs of an unincorporated entity, other than
as an agent, assignee, proxy or person responsible for
managing the business and affairs of the unincorporated

Sec. B-31. 13-C MRSA §102, sub-§19-A is enacted to read:

19-A.__Interest holder.__"Interest holder" means a person who
holds of record an interest.

Sec. B-32. 13-C MRSA §102, sub-§23, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

23. Nonprofit corporation; domestic nonprofit corporation.
"Nonprofit corporation" or "domestic nonprofit corporation" means
a corporation incorporated under the laws of this State and
subject to the provisions of Title 13, chapter 81 or 93 or the
Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act.

Sec. B-33. 13-C MRSA §121, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. A, §2
and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

§121. Requirements for documents; extrinsic facts

To be entitled to filing with the office of the Secretary of
State, a document must satisfy the following requirements and the
requirements of any other section of this Act.

1. Filing in office of Secretary of State. Filing of the
document in the office of the Secretary of State must be
permitted or required by this Act.

2. Information. The document must contain the information
required by this Act.

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