LD 1282
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LR 357
Item 1

statement showing, for each member and nonmember, the quantity of
farm products for which services were performed and the amount of
dues or fair share fees deducted therefrom pursuant to the

3. Flat rate dues and fair share fees deductions. In the
event that the dues and fair share fees assigned to the
association pursuant to section 1091 1091-A are not calculated on
the quantity of farm products sold or tendered by members and
nonmembers to the dealer or processor, the dealer or processor
shall pay the dues and fair share fees to the association
according to the payment schedule contained in the assignment.
No payment schedule may require the payment of assigned dues and
fair share fees more frequently than once a month.

Sec. 5. 13 MRSA §1958-B, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 155, §15,
is amended to read:

2. Required mediation. Any matters remaining in dispute
between the handler and a qualified association 30 days prior to
the contract date, as defined in subsection 4, shall must be
submitted by the parties to required mediation. No later than 30
days prior to the contract date, the parties shall must have
mutually agreed on a mediator and on sharing the costs of
mediation or shall must have notified the board that the services
of the State's Panel of Mediators will be needed. If services of
the State's Panel of Mediators are used, the parties shall share
all costs of mediation equally. Mediation shall may not continue
for no more than 3 consecutive business days for annual crops;
all other commodities shall may not last no more than 5 days,
unless the mediator earlier declares that resolution by mediation
is not possible. Mediation may be extended by mutual agreement
by the bargaining parties. At the end of the mediation period
or upon the mediator's earlier declaration, the mediator shall
promptly prepare a report specifying all agreements reached in
mediation and recommending that the parties either resume
bargaining as to all matters remaining in dispute for a period of
time not to exceed 2 days or that the parties submit all matters
remaining in dispute to arbitration. The parties shall proceed
according to the mediator's recommendation. If the parties are
to resume bargaining, that bargaining shall must commence on the
day after the day on which the mediator makes his the
recommendation. Any matters remaining in dispute at the end of
the specified bargaining period shall must be submitted to

Sec. 6. 13 MRSA §1958-B, sub-§5, ¶D, as repealed and replaced by PL
1989, c. 703, §2, is amended to read:

D. Upon notification by the parties as provided in this
subsection, the commissioner shall submit to the parties a

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