LD 1534
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LR 1922
Item 1

times as to the financial condition of the credit union, shall
examine or cause to be examined carefully the cash and accounts of
the credit union annually, and shall report to the board of
directors its findings, together with its recommendations. The
supervisory committee shall hold meetings at least once each
quarter and shall keep records of the meetings.__The supervisory
committee shall make an annual report at the annual meeting of
members of the credit union.

1-A.__Duties of independent public accountant.__If the board
of directors employs an independent public accountant, the annual
audits must be conducted pursuant to section 453.__Verification
of share, deposit and loan accounts must be conducted pursuant to
this section.

2. Verification of share, deposit and loan accounts.

A. At least once in every 2 years, the supervisory
committee or the independent public accountant shall verify
or cause to be verified the share, deposit and loan accounts
of members of the credit union and a report of the
verification must be kept on file and available to be
reviewed at the time of the next examination or upon request
by the superintendent.

(1) If the verification is performed by the
supervisory committee, a controlled verification of
100% of the members' share, deposit and loan accounts
must be made.

(2) If the verification is performed by a certified
public accountant, the auditor may choose the
verification method set forth in subsection 1 or a
sampling method sufficient in both number and scope on
which to base conclusions concerning the validity of
such records.

B. If the superintendent determines such verification
inadequate, the superintendent may cause the bureau to
verify such accounts; and the bureau must have full access
to every aspect of the credit union's activities and to all
books, papers, vouchers, resources and all other records and
property belonging to said credit union, whether in its
immediate possession or otherwise, for the purpose of
facilitating such verification.

C. Expenses incurred by the superintendent in any such
verification must be paid by the credit union, to be
credited and used as provided in section 214.

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