LD 1417
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LR 1908
Item 1

1. Appointment; composition. The Maine Salmon Aquaculture
Advisory Council, referred to in this section as the "council" and
established by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 57-C, consists
of 4 5 members. The commissioner or the commissioner's designee is
a nonvoting, ex officio member of the council. The commissioner
shall appoint 3 4 members from the State's salmon aquaculture
industry. No more than 2 of the appointed members may represent
similar segments of the State's salmon aquaculture industry.

2. Term. Council members serve for 3 years and continue
serving until a successor is duly appointed and qualified. In
the case of a vacancy, the commissioner shall promptly fill the

3. Purpose. The council shall make recommendations to the
commissioner concerning expenditures from the Salmon Aquaculture
Monitoring, Research and Development Fund for the purposes
described under section 6078, subsections 4 and 7 6078-A,
subsections 3 and 4.

4. Chair and officers. The council annually shall choose one
of its members to serve as chair for a one-year term. The
council may select other officers and designate their duties.

5. Meetings. The council shall meet at least once each year.
It may also meet at other times at the call of the chair or the
chair's designee or the commissioner or the commissioner's
designee. The council may conduct a meeting by means of a
conference call linking 2 or more members of the council.

Sec. 21. Transfers from existing accounts. The Department of Marine
Resources may transfer the existing balance and encumbrances from
the Salmon Aquaculture Monitoring, Research and Development Fund
at any time prior to its lapsing to the Aquaculture Monitoring,
Research and Development Fund in order to fund any of the
activities outlined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12,
section 6080.

Sec. 22. Transition clause. The operation, purpose, duties and
obligations of the Maine Salmon Aquaculture Advisory Council are
transferred to the Aquaculture Advisory Council. Members serving on the
Maine Salmon Aquaculture Advisory Council on the effective date of this
Act may continue to serve out their terms as members of the Aquaculture
Advisory Council.

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