LD 483
pg. 12
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LR 1827
Item 1

All Other47,183


General Fund Total0

Disproportionate Share - Bangor

Mental Health Institute 0734

Initiative: Provides funds for contracted nursing services.

General Fund2002-03

All Other160,225


General Fund Total160,225

Augusta Mental Health Institute 0105

Initiative: Provides for the transfer of funds from Mental
Health Services - Community to Disproportionate Share -
Augusta Mental Health Institute for the purpose of providing
contracted physician services.

Other Special Revenue Funds2002-03

All Other258,609


Other Special Revenue Funds Total258,609

Augusta Mental Health Institute 0105

Initiative: Provides for the transfer of funds from Personal
Services to All Other through the elimination of one Physician
III position in order to fund contracted physician services.

Other Special Revenue Funds2002-03

Positions - Legislative Count (-1.000)

Personal Services (93,216)

All Other93,216


Other Special Revenue Funds Total0

Bangor Mental Health Institute 0120

Initiative: Provides funds for contracted nursing services.

Other Special Revenue Funds2002-03

All Other326,245


Other Special Revenue Funds Total326,245



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