LD 1409
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LR 2020
Item 1

authorized to do business in this State or any other entity with
respect to the acquisition of loans. The corporation entity shall
adopt policies regarding conflict of interest.

2. Loan guarantee. All education loan notes incurred under
the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, 20 United States Code,
Chapter 28 by a nonprofit corporation formed under this section
that are acquired with proceeds of tax-exempt bonds using a
portion of the state ceiling on private activity bonds must be
guaranteed by the state agency designated as administrator of
federal guaranteed student loan programs pursuant to chapter 417,
subchapter I 1, provided that this requirement does not apply to
serial loans of a borrower that are guaranteed by a different
guarantee agency and acquired or financed with tax-exempt bond
proceeds prior to the effective date of this paragraph. The
state agency designated as administrator of federal guaranteed
student loan programs pursuant to chapter 417, subchapter I 1
shall use its best efforts to provide competitive rates for the
guarantee function.

3. Board of directors. The board of directors of a nonprofit
corporation formed under this section consists of 7 members. Four
members representing the public with full voting rights must be
appointed by the Governor, subject to review and approval by the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over business and economic development matters and confirmation
by the Legislature. The initial terms of the members appointed
by the Governor pursuant to this subsection begin on the date of
the corporation's year 2000 annual meeting or on December 31,
2000, whichever date occurs first. The terms of the initial
members must be staggered: 2 members must be appointed to 2-year
terms and 2 members must be appointed to 3-year terms. On the
expiration of a term of any member, a successor must be appointed
to a 3-year term. A member serves until a successor is appointed
and qualified. A member is eligible for reappointment. If a
member is appointed to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term, that
member may serve only for the remainder of that term until a
successor is appointed. An officer, director or employee of a
nonprofit corporation formed under this section may not at the
same time serve as an officer, director or employee of the Maine
Educational Loan Authority, of the state agency designated as
administrator of federal guaranteed student loan programs
pursuant to chapter 417, subchapter I 1 or of any entity that has
a contract to provide a significant level of administrative
services to a nonprofit corporation formed under this section, to
the Maine Educational Loan Authority or to the state agency
designated as administrator of federal guaranteed student loan
programs pursuant to chapter 417, subchapter I 1.

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