LD 1409
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LR 2020
Item 1

designated as administrator of federal guaranteed student loan
programs pursuant to Title 20-A, chapter 417, subchapter I 1,
provided that this requirement does not apply to serial loans
of a borrower that are guaranteed by a different guarantee
agency and acquired or financed with tax-exempt bond proceeds
prior to the effective date of this paragraph. The state
agency designated as administrator of federal guaranteed
student loan programs pursuant to Title 20-A, chapter 417,
subchapter I 1 shall use its best efforts to provide
competitive rates for the guarantee function.

Sec. 3. 10 MRSA §363, sub-§8-A is enacted to read:

8-A.__Allocations to issuer of bonds for purchase of education
loans.__That portion of the state ceiling allocated to the
categories of bonds providing funds for the purposes of an entity
designated pursuant to Title 20-A, section 11407, must be
allocated to the entity designated pursuant to Title 20-A,
section 11407.

A.__Prior to issuing loans funded through an allocation of the
state ceiling for the issuance of education loans, an issuer or
lender must provide to the appropriate agency within the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation examples of
the disclosures to be made to loan recipients or obligors.__The
information must be provided to the Bureau of Financial
Institutions, Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
if the issuer or lender is a financial institution or credit
union established pursuant to state or federal law or to the
Office of Consumer Credit Regulation, Department of Professional
and Financial Regulation for all other issuers or lenders.__This
information must be provided to the appropriate agency within the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation upon request,
or in the course of an examination of the issuer or lender by the
agency, and must include a description of any interest rate or
other discounts offered that clearly identifies all of the terms
and conditions of obtaining any discount, a projection of the
approximate number or percentage of loan obligors who are likely
to benefit from the discounts and any other disclosures pursuant
to guidelines established by the Bureau of Financial Institutions
and the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation for the issuance of
education loans that would benefit from an allocation of the
state ceiling.__The Bureau of Financial Institutions and the
Office of Consumer Credit Regulation shall jointly adopt, to the
extent allowed by law, rules to carry out the provisions of this
paragraph by establishing uniform disclosure requirements and
sanctions for noncompliance.__Rules adopted pursuant to this

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