LD 1934
pg. 11
Page 10 of 12 An Act To Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for... Page 12 of 12
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LR 2841
Item 1

Part C does the following.

1. It requires the State Budget Officer to calculate the
amount of expenditures in Part A, section 1 that applies against
each Highway Fund account for all departments and agencies for
the increased state cost allocation program requirements
associated with the recovery of unfunded actuarial liability
costs and requires the State Budget Officer to transfer the
amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor.

2. It requires the State Budget Officer to calculate the
amount of savings in Part A, section 1 that applies against each
Highway Fund account for all departments and agencies from
savings in the cost of health insurance and to transfer the
amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor.

3. It requires the State Budget Officer to calculate the
amount of savings in Part A, section 1 that applies against each
Highway Fund account for all departments and agencies from
savings in the cost of workers' compensation insurance and to
transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the


Part D does the following.

1. It authorizes the Department of Transportation to sell the
Payne Road Bridge in Scarborough to the Maine Turnpike Authority.

2. It specifies that the effective date of this Part is 90
days after the adjournment of the Second Special Session of the
121st Legislature.


Part E does the following.

1. It specifies that $1,367,264 of Personal Services
unencumbered balance forward and $107,468 of All Other
unencumbered balance forward in fiscal year 2003-04 in the
Highway Summer Maintenance account in the Department of
Transportation lapses to the Highway Fund in fiscal year 2003-04.

2. It specifies that $845,363 of Personal Services
unencumbered balance forward in fiscal year 2003-04 in the
Traffic Services account in the Department of Transportation
lapses to the Highway Fund in fiscal year 2003-04.

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