LD 1930
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Promote Intergovernmental Cooperation, Cost Savings and Efficiencies ... LD 1930 Title Page
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LR 2846
Item 1

A. Salaries of county officials;

B. Directives on how often county boards and commissions
hold hearings; and

C. Involvement of the legislative delegation in the county
budget process.

10. It would create 4 pilot projects to:

A. Create municipal unions to allow multiple towns to
consolidate their administrative functions into a single
unit while allowing each town to retain its identity and
form of governance. This option would be voluntary;

B. Work with state agencies to permit towns to file joint
reports and audits when they are working together

C. Promote the use of councils of governments and promote
the involvement of councils of governments and regional
planning commissions with counties; and

D. Assist the "Beginning with Habitat" program to make more
effective use of wildlife information across town boundaries
through a regional habitat planning pilot project.

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