LD 1921
pg. 9
Page 8 of 17 An Act To Encourage Voluntary Efficiency in Maine's School Systems and Related ... Page 10 of 17
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LR 2782
Item 1

B.__The commissioner determines that the__school
administrative unit meets the criteria of subsection 1.

3.__Performance review; fund ineligibility and reimbursement.__
The commissioner shall determine, based on review of information
submitted under subsection 1, paragraph E, whether the efficient
school unit is continuing to meet the certification criteria
under subsection 1 and whether the efficient school unit provided
assistance in accordance with subsection 1, paragraph C.__If the
commissioner determines that the efficient school unit did not
continue to meet the criteria under subsection 1 or did not
provide assistance in accordance with subsection 1, paragraph C,
then the efficient school unit, upon notice of the commissioner's

A.__Is ineligible for funding from the Fund for the
Efficient Delivery of Education Services in the following
fiscal year; and

B.__Shall, in the following fiscal year, reimburse the Fund
for the Efficient Delivery of Education Services an amount
equal to 1/2 of the amount it received from the Fund for the
Efficient Delivery of Education Services during the prior
fiscal year.

Annually and no later than September 1st, the commissioner shall
notify the efficient school unit of the determination under this
subsection.__If an efficient school unit does not demonstrate
satisfaction of cost-efficiency criteria in accordance with rules
made pursuant to section 3709, the efficient school unit is
ineligible for assistance for funding from the Fund for the
Efficient Delivery of Education Services in the following fiscal

§3707.__Financial incentives

1.__Regional school districts with student populations of
1,000 to 2,500.__Except as otherwise provided by section 3704,
subsections 4 and 6, a regional school district that has an
aggregate resident student population of 1,000 or more, as
recorded by the department, on the date set under section 3704,
subsection 3 for its initiation of operations and that has
received final certification under section 3704, subsection 3 is
entitled to receive:

A.__For 5 consecutive years, an increase in general purpose aid
equivalent to 7.5% of the state share of the operating
allocations for the school administrative units that combined to
form the regional school district for the fiscal

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