LD 1921
pg. 7
Page 6 of 17 An Act To Encourage Voluntary Efficiency in Maine's School Systems and Related ... Page 8 of 17
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LR 2782
Item 1

accordance with its regional plan developed pursuant to subsection
1, paragraph A.__If the commissioner determines that a regional
cooperative has been in operation for more than 3 years and has not
achieved cost savings and reinvested those savings in school
instructional programs in accordance with its regional plan, then
the regional cooperative, upon notification from the commissioner:

A.__Is ineligible for funding from the Fund for Efficient
Delivery of Education Services in the following fiscal year;

B.__Must, in the following fiscal year, reimburse the Fund
for the Efficient Delivery of Education Services an amount
equal to the total amount of funds the regional cooperative
received under section 3706, subsection 3, paragraphs B and

Annually and no later than September 1st, the commissioner shall
make and notify the regional cooperative of the determination
under this subsection.__If a regional cooperative does not
provide the information required by subsection 1, paragraph C,
the regional cooperative is ineligible for assistance for funding
under section 3706, subsection 3 in the following fiscal year.

§3706.__Certification of efficient school units; performance


1.__Certification criteria.__In order for a school
administrative unit to qualify for certification by the
commissioner as an efficient school unit, the school
administrative unit must:

A.__Be a single school administrative unit in existence on
the effective date of this chapter;

B.__Provide public education services for kindergarten to
grade 12;

C.__Develop a plan for provision of assistance to one or
more other school administrative units that are seeking to
identify and implement means to increase efficiency and
lower costs of delivering public education services for
kindergarten to grade 12;

D.__Form an agreement with one or more school administrative
units pursuant to section 3703 and in accordance with the plan
developed pursuant to paragraph C to provide assistance to the
unit or units regarding means to improve

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