LD 1921
pg. 14
Page 13 of 17 An Act To Encourage Voluntary Efficiency in Maine's School Systems and Related ... Page 15 of 17
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LR 2782
Item 1



There is established as a dedicated special revenue account
the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Education Services,
referred to in this subchapter as "the fund."

§3722.__Fund source; nonlapsing

The fund consists of revenues transferred from the General
Purpose Aid for Local Schools account, any funds reimbursed to
the fund pursuant to section 3704, subsection 4 and any funds
received as contributions from private and public sources.
Eligible investment earnings credited to the assets of the fund
become part of the assets of the fund.__Any balance remaining in
the fund at the end of any fiscal year does not lapse and must be
carried forward for the next fiscal year.


The fund, to be accounted within the department, must be held
separate and apart from all other money, funds and accounts.__The
department shall administer the fund.

§3724.__Transfers to fund

The Treasurer of State shall transfer from the amount
appropriated for general purpose aid for local schools to the
fund the following amounts on the first day of each of the
following state fiscal years:

1.__Fiscal year 2004-05.__In fiscal year 2004-05, an amount
equivalent to 1/2 of 1% of the total amount appropriated for
general purpose aid for local schools;

2.__Fiscal year 2005-06.__In fiscal year 2005-06, an amount
equivalent to one percent of the total amount appropriated for
general purpose aid for local schools;

3.__Fiscal year 2006-07.__In fiscal year 2006-07, an amount
equivalent to 2% of the total amount appropriated for general
purpose aid for local schools;

4.__Fiscal year 2007-08.__In fiscal year 2007-08, an amount
equivalent to 2% of the total amount appropriated for general
purpose aid for local schools;

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