LD 1920
pg. 54
Page 53 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 55 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

A. For a resident:

(1) Five dollars for a one-chance application;

(2) Ten dollars for a 3-chance application. A
resident must possess a valid big game hunting license
to be eligible to purchase a 3-chance application; and

(3) Twenty dollars for a 6-chance application. A
resident must possess a valid big game hunting license
to be eligible to purchase a 6-chance application; or

B. For a nonresident:

(1) Ten dollars for a one-chance application;

(2) Twenty dollars for a 3-chance application;

(3) Thirty dollars for a 6-chance application; and

(4) Fifty dollars for a 10-chance application;
multiple 10-chance options may be purchased.__After
June 30, 2005, a nonresident may not file more than one
10-chance application per year.

Sec. 129. 12 MRSA §11154, sub-§11, ¶C, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414,
Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. D, §7, is amended to read:

C. An eligible person wishing to apply for a permit under
this subsection shall must submit a written application in
such form as the commissioner may require. The application
must be accompanied by a bidding fee of $25, which, except
as otherwise provided in paragraph D, may not be refunded is
nonrefundable. The commissioner may waive the requirements
of this paragraph when, as provided in paragraph G, the
commissioner enters into a contract with a conservation
organization to auction the permits.

Sec. 130. 12 MRSA §11154, sub-§11, ¶I, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414,
Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. D, §7, is amended to read:

I. The commissioner may adopt rules necessary for the
proper administration, implementation, enforcement and
interpretation of this subsection. Rules adopted pursuant
to this paragraph are routine technical rules as defined in
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

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