LD 1920
pg. 43
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LR 2679
Item 1

1.__Definitions.__As used in this subchapter, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A. "Compliance with a support order" means that the support
obligor has obtained or maintained health insurance coverage
if required by a support order and is:

(1)__No more than 60 days in arrears in making any of
the following payments:

(a)__Payments in full for current support;

(b)__Periodic payments on a support arrearage
pursuant to a written agreement with the
Department of Human Services; and

(c)__Periodic payments as set forth in a support
order; and

(2)__No more than 30 days in arrears in making payments
as described in subparagraph (1) if the obligor has
been in arrears for more than 30 days in making
payments as described in subparagraph (1) at least 2
times within the past 24 months.

B.__"Support order" means a judgment, decree or order,
whether temporary, final or subject to modification, issued
by a court or an administrative agency of competent
jurisdiction for the support and maintenance of a child,
including a child who has attained the age of majority under
the law of the issuing state, or a child and the parent with
whom the child is living, that provides for monetary
support, health care, arrearages or reimbursement and may
include related costs and fees, interest and penalties,
income withholding, attorney's fees and other relief.

2.__Compliance.__In addition to other qualifications for
licensure or registration and conditions for continuing
eligibility to hold a license as prescribed by the various acts
of the department, applicants for licensure or registration,
licensees renewing their licenses and existing licensees must
also comply with the requirements of Title 19-A, section 2201.

3.__Noncompliance with support order.__An applicant for the
issuance or renewal of a license or an existing licensee who is
not in compliance with a support order is subject to the
requirements of Title 19-A, section 2201.

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