LD 1892
pg. 4
Page 3 of 11 An Act To Protect Public Health and the Environment by Providing for a System o... Page 5 of 11
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LR 2752
Item 1

station or recycling facility, by contracting with a disposal
facility to accept waste directly from the municipality's
residents or through curbside pickup or other convenient
collection and transportation system.__A municipality may not
charge residents a fee for the collection of computer monitors
and televisions generated as waste from households.

B.__A consolidation facility is subject to the requirements
of this paragraph.

(1)__Beginning January 1, 2006, a consolidation
facility shall identify the manufacturer of each waste
computer monitor delivered to the facility and
identified as generated by a household in this State
and shall maintain an accounting of the number of waste
household computer monitors by manufacturer.

(2)__Beginning January 1, 2012, a consolidation
facility shall identify the manufacturer of each waste
television delivered to the facility and identified as
generated by a household in this State and shall
maintain an accounting of the number of waste household
televisions by manufacturer.

(3)__A consolidation facility may perform the
manufacturer identification required by subparagraphs
(1) and (2) at the consolidation facility or may
contract for this identification and accounting service
with the recycling and dismantling facility to which
the waste is shipped.

(4)__A consolidation facility shall work cooperatively
with manufacturers to ensure implementation of a
practical and feasible financing system.__At a minimum,
a consolidation facility shall invoice the
manufacturers and the State for the handling,
transportation and recycling costs for which they are
respectively responsible under the provisions of this

(5)__A consolidation facility shall transport waste computer
monitors and waste televisions to a recycling and dismantling
facility that provides a sworn certification pursuant to
paragraph C.__A consolidation facility shall maintain for a
minimum of 3 years a copy of the sworn certification from each
recycling and dismantling facility that receives covered
electronic devices from the consolidation facility and shall

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