LD 1855
pg. 27
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LR 2680
Item 1

B. For a person convicted of a Class B crime, a period of
probation not to exceed 12 years; and

C. For a person convicted of a Class C crime, a period of
probation not to exceed 6 years.

4. It allows the court to have the option to impose a
sentence of probation of up to 18 years based upon the fact that
the defendant was convicted of gross sexual assault after having
been previously convicted and sentenced for a Class B crime or
Class C crime of unlawful sexual contact.

5. It renames "dangerous sexual offender," defined in Title
17-A, section 1252, subsection 4-B, as "repeat sexual assault

6. It allows courts to have the option to impose a sentence
of imprisonment in excess of 20 years, based upon the fact that
the defendant was convicted of gross sexual assault after having
been previously convicted and sentenced for a Class B crime or
Class C crime of unlawful sexual contact.

7. It changes the names of registration categories in the Sex
Offender Registration and Notification Act of 1999, also known as
the "SORNA," from "sexually violent predators" and "sex
offenders" to "lifetime registrants" and "10-year registrants,"

8. It moves Class D or Class E offenses that currently
require lifetime registration as "sexually violent predators"
under the SORNA of 1999 to 10-year registration for "sex

9. It makes technical drafting changes to the SORNA of 1999,

A. Adding to the list of registerable offenses the former
crime of rape, restoring the former crimes of unlawful
sexual contact and solicitation of a child by computer to
commit a prohibited act and moving from the definition of
"sex offense" to "sexually violent offense" the crimes of
unlawful sexual contact that involve penetration;

B. Making registration requirements consistent by removing
from the crime of "kidnapping" the defense that the actor is
a parent, which is consistent with the crime of criminal
restraint for purposes of sex offender registration; and

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