LD 1855
pg. 23
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LR 2680
Item 1

Sec. B-22. 34-A MRSA §11253, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt. OOO,
§15, is amended to read:

§11253. Risk assessment

The department shall establish and apply a risk assessment
instrument to each sex offender and sexually violent predator
registrant under its jurisdiction for the purpose of notification
to law enforcement agencies and to the public.

Sec. B-23. 34-A MRSA §11254, as amended by PL 2003, c. 371, §13, is
further amended to read:

§11254. Mandatory notification of conditional release or

discharge of registrants

The department, county jails, state mental health institutes
and the Department of Public Safety, State Bureau of
Identification are governed by the following notice provisions
when a sex offender or sexually violent predator registrant is
conditionally released or discharged.

1. Duties. The department, a county jail or a state mental
health institute shall give the Department of Public Safety,
State Bureau of Identification notice of the following:

A. The address where the sex offender or sexually violent
predator registrant will reside;

B. The address where the sex offender or sexually violent
predator registrant will work and attend college or school,
if applicable;

C. The geographic area to which a sex offender's or
sexually violent predator's registrant's conditional release
is limited, if any; and

D. The status of the sex offender or sexually violent
predator registrant when released as determined by the risk
assessment instrument, the offender's or predator's
registrant's risk assessment score, a copy of the risk
assessment instrument and applicable contact standards for
the offender or predator registrant.

2. Duties of the Department of Public Safety, State Bureau of
Identification. Upon receipt of the information concerning the
conditional release or discharge of a sex offender or sexually
violent predator registrant pursuant to subsection 1, the
Department of Public Safety, State Bureau of Identification shall
forward the information in subsection 1 to all law

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