LD 1855
pg. 15
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LR 2680
Item 1

(3) A description of the offense for which the sex
offender or sexually violent predator registrant was
convicted, the date of conviction and the sentence
imposed; and

(4) The sex offender's or sexually violent predator's
registrant's photograph.

10. Registrant access to information. Pursuant to Title 16,
section 620, the bureau shall provide all information described
in subsection 1 to a sex offender or sexually violent predator
registrant who requests that person's own information.

Sec. B-17. 34-A MRSA §11222, as amended by PL 2003, c. 371, §§8 to
10, are further amended to read:

§11222. Duty of registrant

1. Determination by court. The court shall determine at the
time of sentencing if a defendant is a sex offender 10-year
registrant or a sexually violent predator lifetime registrant. A
person who the court determines is a sex offender 10-year
registrant or a sexually violent predator lifetime registrant
shall register according to this subchapter.

1-A. When duty to register must be exercised. Following
determination by the court under subsection 1, a sex offender or
a sexually violent predator registrant shall register as follows.

A. If the sex offender or sexually violent predator
registrant is sentenced to a wholly suspended sentence with
probation or to a punishment alternative not involving
imprisonment, the duty to register is triggered at the time
the person commences an actual execution of the wholly
suspended sentence or at the time of sentence imposition
when no punishment alternative involving imprisonment is
imposed, unless the court orders a stay of execution, in
which event the duty is triggered by the termination of the

B. If the sex offender or sexually violent predator
registrant is sentenced to a straight term of imprisonment
or to a split sentence, the duty to register is triggered by
discharge or conditional release.

C. If the sex offender or sexually violent predator
registrant is committed under Title 15, section 103, the
duty to register is triggered by discharge or conditional
release under Title 15, section 104-A.

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