LD 1819
pg. 4
Page 3 of 8 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Study Group To Examine an Emerge... Page 5 of 8
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LR 2656
Item 1

will generate an annual aggregate of $85,000 $122,500.

C. A telecommunications carrier doing business in this
State, including a provider of interstate services and a
provider of wireless services, shall provide to the Public
Utilities Commission, on request, records relating to its
gross revenues. At the request of a carrier, the Public
Utilities Commission may issue a protective order in
accordance with the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 26
(c) to protect any confidential business information
provided by the carrier. Records placed under protective
order by the Public Utilities Commission to this paragraph
are within the scope of a privilege against discovery within
the meaning of Title 1, section 402, subsection 3, paragraph
B and are not public records while under the protective

Sec. A-4. Additional assessment to support start-up of emergency alert system.
Notwithstanding Title 26, section 1419-A, subsection 5, the
Department of Labor, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services' annual
assessment of telecommunications carriers pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 1419-A, subsection 5 may, for
the year 2004, generate an aggregate of $136,750 for deposit in
the Communications Equipment Fund. The bureau, in consultation
with the Public Utilities Commission, may make a supplemental
assessment prior to December 31, 2004 to collect the difference
between amounts otherwise authorized for 2004 and the $136,750
authorized pursuant to this section.

Sec. A-5. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.


Bureau of Rehabilitation Services - Division of Deafness

Initiative: Increases the allocation of funds, generated by
increased assessments authorized pursuant to this Act, from the
Communications Equipment Fund within the Bureau of Rehabilitation
Services, Division of Deafness to support the provision of
emergency alert notification equipment for deaf and hard-of-
hearing persons and related equipment evaluation, distribution
and training services, including contractual services.

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

All Other$0$51,750


Other Special Revenue Funds Total$0$51,750

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