LD 1764
pg. 6
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LR 2623
Item 1

Sec. A-11. 34-A MRSA §4104, as amended by PL 1999, c. 583, §42 and
PL 2001, c. 354, §3 and c. 439, Pt. G, §8, is further amended to

§4104. Detention and commitment

1-A. Eligibility. Only a juvenile, as defined in Title 15,
section 3003, subsection 14, who is 11 years of age or older at
the time of commitment may be committed to the Mountain View
Youth Development Center pursuant to this subchapter and Title
15, Part 6.

2. Limitations. A person may not be detained at or committed
to the Mountain View Youth Development Center who is blind or who
is a proper subject eligible for any residential services
provided by or through the Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services.

3. Certification. When a person is detained at or committed
to the Mountain View Youth Development Center, the court ordering
the detention or commitment shall certify on the mittimus the
person's birthplace, parentage and legal residence.

Sec. A-12. 34-A MRSA §4111, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2003, c. 410,
§19, is further amended to read:

3. Psychiatric hospitalization. The commissioner has all the
power over a juvenile client or juvenile detainee that a guardian
has over a ward and that a parent has over a child with regard to
necessary psychiatric hospitalization, including hospitalization
in a nonstate mental health institution or hospital for the
mentally ill. If a juvenile client or juvenile detainee is or
becomes 18 years of age while still under commitment or while
still detained, the statutory guardianship of the commissioner
over the juvenile client or juvenile detainee terminates, but the
juvenile client or juvenile detainee remains subject to the
control of the commissioner and staff and rules of the facility
until the expiration of the period of commitment or until release
or discharge from the facility. Nothing in this subsection may
be construed to override the requirement to make application for
psychiatric hospitalization in accordance with Title 34-B,
section 3863, unless hospitalization is made with the juvenile
client's or juvenile detainee's consent in accordance with Title
34-B, section 3831. The commissioner may make application for
necessary psychiatric hospitalization of a juvenile detainee,
including hospitalization in a nonstate mental health institution
or hospital for the mentally ill, in accordance with Title 34-B,
section 3863.

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