LD 1758
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act To Correct Certain Errors and Inconsistencies in Marine Resources Laws ... Page 4 of 5
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LR 2616
Item 1

1. Permitted activities. Lobster traps, warps, buoys and cars
may be raised, lifted, transferred, possessed or otherwise molested
by the following:

A. A marine patrol officer;

B. The licensed owner;

C. Any person having written permission from the licensed
owner commissioner;

D. Any person authorized by rule pursuant to subsection 2.

2. Adoption of rules required. The commissioner shall
promulgate adopt rules, no later than January 1, 1990,
authorizing the removal of traps, warps, buoys or cars that are
washed up above the mean low tide mark or are otherwise abandoned
or lost.

3. Prohibition. Traps, warps, buoys or cars may not be used
for fishing by any person other than the licensed owner unless
with written permission from the licensed owner commissioner.

4. Additional penalty. If the holder of a lobster and crab
fishing license violates this section by cutting a lobster trap
line, the court shall:

A. Order that person to pay to the owner of the trap line
that was cut an amount equal to twice the replacement value
of all traps lost as a result of that cutting; and

B. Direct that person to provide proof of payment of that
restitution to the Commissioner of Marine Resources
commissioner as required by section 6402, subsection 1.

A penalty imposed under this subsection is in addition to any
penalty imposed under section 6204.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §6451, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. WW,
§5, is further amended to read:

1. Allocation of license fees. Ten dollars of each $113.75
fee, $10 of each $114 fee, $20 of each $228.50 fee, $30 of each
$341.25 fee and $5 of each $56 fee for each lobster and crab
fishing license must be allocated to the Lobster Fund, which
must be used for the purposes of lobster biology research, of
propagation of lobsters by liberating seed lobsters and female

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