LD 1756
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Amend the Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act LD 1756 Title Page
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LR 2594
Item 1

4.__Information; registry of deeds.__For responding to a
request for information from the filing office, including for
communicating whether there is on file any lien, certificate or
notice affecting any lien filed under this chapter naming a
particular debtor, the fee is governed by Title 33, section 751.

Sec. 7. 33 MRSA §1907, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 502, Pt. A, §121,
is amended to read:

§1907. Uniformity of application and construction

This chapter shall must be applied and construed to effectuate
its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the
subject of this chapter among states enacting it and to permit
the filing office to use a filing system to record and maintain
notices of liens, certificates and other notices affecting
federal tax liens or other federal liens in a manner authorized
by the filing office and to permit federal officials to file
notices of liens, certificates and notices affecting those liens
upon real or personal property for obligations payable to the
United States under the filing system authorized by the filing


This bill makes the necessary changes to the Uniform Federal
Lien Registration Act as requested by the Internal Revenue
Service to update and clarify outdated language and to allow the
Internal Revenue Service to file notices of federal tax liens
electronically with the Secretary of State.

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