LD 1691
pg. 11
Page 10 of 13 An Act To Strengthen the Charitable Solicitations Act Page 12 of 13
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LR 2487
Item 1

organization has previously consented in writing to the use of its
name; or

4.__Disclosure of information.__Solicit a contribution from
any person in this State without clearly and conspicuously
disclosing to the person, prior to the time the person makes or
authorizes payment of a donation:

A.__The name and address of the professional solicitor;

B.__That the solicitor is being paid by the charitable
organization on whose behalf the solicitation is being made;

C.__How the potential contributor may obtain information
from the State on the respective percentages of
contributions that will be paid to the charitable
organization and to the paid fund-raiser.

This section does not apply to a national bank, a federal
savings bank, a subsidiary of a national bank or federal savings
bank or any other financial institution or credit union chartered
under the laws of the United States or any state and subject to
supervision and regulation by a federal financial regulatory

Sec. 16. 9 MRSA §5012, as amended by PL 1999, c. 656, §4, is
amended to read:

§5012. Charitable solicitation disclosure

It shall be is a violation of this chapter for:

1. Solicitation of contributions. Any person or entity to
solicit contributions from a prospective donor without fully
disclosing to the prospective donor, at the time of solicitation
but prior to the request for contributions, the name and address
of the charitable organization for which the solicitation is
being conducted; and.

2. Solicitation by a professional charitable fund raiser.
Any professional fund-raising counsel, professional solicitor or
commercial coventurer, or any of its agents or persons acting on
its behalf, to solicit contributions from a prospective donor
without fully disclosing to the prospective donor at the time of
solicitation but prior to the request for contributions:

A. The name and address of the professional fund-raising
counsel, professional solicitor or commercial coventurer;

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