LD 1683
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act Creating the Central Maine Regional Public Safety Communication Center ... Page 7 of 7
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LR 2241
Item 1

within the course and scope of membership or employment to carry
out a power or duty under this Act. The center shall indemnify a
member of the center's governing council, a member of a board
directors of the center or an employee of the center against
expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with the
defense of an action or proceeding in which the member or employee
is made a party by reason of past or present association with the

Sec. 5. Operational funding; cost-distribution method; in-kind contributions. The
center operates on an equitable shared-funding basis, based on a
formula created by the board of directors and approved by the
governing council, that distributes costs on an equitable basis
that considers both fixed and variable costs and that reasonably
reflects call-volume usage, population or valuation. Each
participating agency and municipality that is a member of the
center shall contribute a portion of the operational costs on a
continuing basis. If they choose to participate in the center,
the Maine State Police and Kennebec County shall contribute for
the first 3 years at the amount established in the year of the
center's inception. In-kind contributions, including those
specific services for the center undertaken by participating
entities, must be calculated and included in the cost-
distribution formula. After the initial 3-year term of operation
of the center, the board of directors shall biannually approve a
formula for distribution of the center's operational costs.

Sec. 6. Capital replacement fund. The board of directors shall
establish and maintain a capital replacement fund to ensure the
technological viability of the center. Each participating entity
must contribute to this fund in a manner similar to the cost-
distribution method established under section 5 and the formula
created by the board of directors and approved by the governing

Sec. 7. Effective date; creation of center. This Act takes effect when 2 or
more municipalities or agencies eligible to participate in the
establishment of the center pursuant to this Act complete by vote
or signature of their governing authority an interagency
agreement and notify the chair of the Kennebec County
Commissioners and the Secretary of State, except that in no event
may this Act take effect within 90 days after adjournment of the
Second Regular Session of the 121st Legislature. Within 210 days
but not less than 150 days after adjournment of the Second
Regular Session of the 121st Legislature, municipalities or
agencies wishing to participate in the establishment of the
center must decide by vote or direction of the municipality or
agency authority whether to participate in the creation of the
center. Upon receiving appropriate notice, the chair of the

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