LD 1675
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act To Reestablish the Great Ponds Act Page 4 of 5
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LR 2402
Item 1

but is vague or silent on key elements of those requirements;

C.__"Not complete," which means that the recommendation does
not meet all the requirements of this section.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §13071-A is enacted to read:

§13071-A.__Recommendations for regulating use, operation and type

of watercraft for great ponds within organized areas

of State

1.__Recommendations.__A municipality, with the approval of its
legislative body, or the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission,
referred to in this section as "the commission," may submit
recommendations to the commissioner for regulating the use,
operation, type and permissible motor size of watercraft on great
ponds within the jurisdiction of that municipality or the
commission.__For great ponds that border more than one
municipality, recommendations may be submitted only after
approval by the legislative bodies of all municipalities in which
those waters are located.__For great ponds that border lands
within the jurisdiction of the commission, the approval of the
commission is also required.__In preparing recommendations for
such waters, the municipality or the commission shall take into

A.__The current and traditional uses of the water body;

B.__The depth of the water and the amount of water-borne

C.__Wildlife habitat and other environmental values;

D.__Noise levels and the safety of persons and property; and

E.__Concerns unique to the affected communities, including,
but not limited to, access, land use and economic impact.

These recommendations may be submitted only after a public
hearing and must include a description of the resources the
municipality or municipalities will use to enforce those
regulations if enacted.__The commission may submit
recommendations only after having held a public hearing near the
affected area or in the municipality nearest to the affected

2.__Submitting recommendations to commissioner.__When
submitting recommendations to the commissioner, the municipality
or the commission shall, at a minimum, submit detailed
information about the following:

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